On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:

I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how
to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a
good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout" with
lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.


  It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may have
changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate degrees
has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for theses
and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details so that
each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor can
tell you which office has these details.

Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway i will search!

No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.

Good luck!


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

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