(Sorry for breaking the thread, I had just subscribed to the list and didn't confirm quickly enough, so I had to pick up the answers from the archive. But I'm fairly sure I'm on now.)

Re Georg:
2. In the meantime it would be nice if the relyx-savvy could provide
(permanent links to) more concrete advice on what latex constructs to
avoid. (In my particular case retyping the tables in lyx is probably
quicker than hand-editing the latex code, but for long-term or
search-and-replace batch operations this may be helpful.) Maybe I just
missed it?

IMHO the needed time would be better spent in improving tex2lyx wrt tables.

Ok, I take that as meaning that relyx & tabular (or similar) is really a hopeless case. Then I redirect my suggestion to tex2lyx: maybe it's a good idea to collect in some public place hints and experience from users with respect to what works and what doesn't. And this time right from the start of this new tool tex2lyx.

Re JMarc:
Another guess is that lyx2lyx fails to run. What version of LyX for
windows are you using? 1.3.5 has a bug that prevents lyx2lyx from
running (it is invoked directly, and windows does not guess that it is
a python script, since it does not have a .py extension).

Windows users, please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes I read about this bug and therefore did it by hand from the cli. Also as I said it happens on linux, too.

Forgive me for babbling on a little, I won't do it often: I believe that lyx should really focus on the latex-integration aspect. The wysiwym approach is great, but that together with "just" exporting to latex is also done by texmacs (although I cannot tell how good it is at that) and in the future apparently also by openoffice (same obvious caveat), not mentioning commercial apps. Imagine: if the OO latex export filter will be good (big if), during the revision process authors can even use the word-doc format (OO handles that pretty well), even for exchange, and in the end have great tex output.
So the only (I'm exaggerating...) remaining competitive advantage of lyx would be the direct latex integration. Lyx should build on that by making it easier to use the established latex doc-format for collaboration and exchange. Therefore, imho better latex import is really essential for the future of lyx.

Ok, enough already, thanks for your patience (and the developers for the program).


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