On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Martin A. Hansen wrote:


  This is a litle besides the thread but I think it could be useful

> pros:
> =====
> * journals may provide latex classes of thier own

I'm a physcist and a couple of years ago I tried (and failed)
to adapt the revtex layout to the style provided by the Institute
of Physics. Pressed by time I reverted to the article style and
exported the latex in the final version, changed the styles and
corrected until it compiled.

It should be quite useful a brief tutorial (addressed to people
not very knowledgeable in latex) on how to adapt a layout file.
I apologize if it exists as I didn't check for its existence.


#                                 #                                 #
#  Dr. Jorge A. Hernando          #   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
#  Physics Dept., CNEA            #   phone: 54-11-6772-7106        #
#  Av. Libertador 8250            #   fax:   54-11-6772-7121        #
#  1429 Buenos Aires              #                                 #
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