> In cases such as this I'd suggest looking at:
> 1. The contents of the LyX file itself.
> It's just text. You should find entries near the top of the document:
>     \use_natbib 1
>     \use_numerical_citations 0

Those are both there

> and near the bottom
>     \begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[plainnat]{../references}
I have this instead:
\begin_inset LatexCommand

but it looks right to me. I assume bibtotoc means that it's adding the
Bibliography to my table of contents and that the style is apalike
(which is what I want)

> 2. The generated LaTeX file. (File->Export->Latex) which I'd hope would
> contain the equivalent of
>     \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib}
Yup, that's there

>     \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
>     \bibliography{../references}
I have the following lines:

> 3. The output of the log file produced by the LaTeX compiler.

Had a look, but there doesn't seem to be anything strange in there. Or
anything related to the Bib style

Does the info above help or is there something else I can try?

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