Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:

> From: "Georg Baum"
>> Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:
>> > I don't really care about the text box.
>> But you should, because it makes a big difference.
> Oh a gotcha! I hate those. Still I've seen several examples of textboxes
> inside math environments (for example Cases) use to change font, so it
> surprises me to hear Latex should choke on that

LaTeX does not choke on text boxes in general. What I said is that it makes
a difference whether you put something into a text box or not, because
basically only text is allowed in text boxes.
Rext boxes do more than just "change font".

>> You must have asked for it one way or the other, but you might not know
> that
>> you did.
> I can assure you I didn't :-)

I don't believe that unless you can prove it.

> If you're saying that I asked for X and got 
> Y well that's another matter altogther. I understand these things happen
> occasionally even in the best software.

Then please tell exactly what you did and what you got. If there is a bug in
LyX it should be fixed, but it can't be fixed if nobody knows about it.

> No matter. I think I figured out a way. You have to use a split
> environment inside the eqnarray. Unf LyX doesn't seem to provide a split

It does, but it is an undocumented feature for selected people only :-) Type
\split<space> in a math box, and you'll get a split environment with one
column and one row. You can add columns and rows as usual with M-m c i and
M-m w i.


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