Grateful for help with installing. My level of technical competence is
advanced idiot, so I've assuredly done something wrong.
I think I followed the instruction on the wiki exactly. I installed all
sorts of things one by one and it all looked OK. then at the first
attempt to run lyx I got this error message:

LyX wasn’t able to find any layout description

Check the contents of teh file “textclass.lst”
Sorry, has to exit

The file exists, and isn't empty, and is the file the installation made,
and is in c:\lyx\lyx\bin. The whole program is in c:\lyx\lyx
I'm using win xp pro on an amd 1300 with 128 RAM and loads and loads of
free disk space. Thanks in advance for your help: this linux based stuff
is all new to me, but I think from reading that lyx will be a major help
to me as a professional writer- If I can get it up and running!


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