Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> Am Freitag, 17. Juni 2005 11:25 schrieb Georg Baum:
>> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>> > I remember a mail mentioning to use something like
>> > LANG=  ...
>> > before starting Lyx
>> > but can?t find it.
>> That is probably your problem. It should work if you start lyx via
>> LANG=de_DE lyx
>> SuSE 9.2 has LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, and that is not really supported by LyX.
>  Georg
> good news: that did it.
> bad news: if I export document as .txt (ASCII), it´s still a problem
> e.g.:
> Sie bedankt sich fr alle Anteilnahme an der ?tissinnen-Weihe.
>                          ^^                                    ^^
> What to do?

You mean that your exported .txt document is encoded in ISO-8859-1 whilst 
you'd like it to be encoded in UTF-8?

$ man iconv
$ iconv --from-code ISO-8859-1 --to-code UTF-8 input.txt > output.txt


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