
It's solved! But I still have some questions. See below.

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 13:45 +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> maarten wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have some trouble when trying to getting this ERT to work correctly:
> > 
> > \begin{psmatrix}[colsep=0.5cm]
> > \psframebox{Yes} & \psframebox{No} & C \\
> > \psframebox{Yesy} & \psframebox{No} & C \\
> > \ncline{->}{1,1}{2,1}
> > \end{psmatrix}
> > 
> > I've put \usepackage{pst-node} in the document preamble.
> > 
> > This works (ps2pdf) as long as I use the standard book layout. When I
> > use pdflatex this does not work (as I understand obviously).
> PSTricks -> PostScript Tricks ...
> this cannot be compiled with pdflatex. However, unless
> you didn't use character expansion, ps2pdf does the same job.
> > On the other hand, if I generate pdf from my books (without any
> > pstricks) with ps2pdf I get a complaint "LaTex Error: Cannot determine
> > size of graphic logo.png". But this works fine with pdflatex.
> you should read some basic informations about LaTeX/pdflatex
> > Does anyone have a workaround? I run 1.4.0pre2.
> latex -> ps/eps images
> pdflatex -> png,jpg,pdf images

I know the latex basics, but I forgot to mention that also when I use
logo.eps it happened.
In the mean time I found out logo.png in the header works for pdflatex
as long as you put another image somewhere in the document.
If you use ps2pdf you NEED logo.eps. In the rest of the document you can
still use other types of images, lyx takes care about that.

After some trail and error I found out:
The solution is to remove \usepackage{cmap} (why?) and - off course -
put ps2pdf instead of pdftex in the hyperref options in the preamble.

> > % Marges
> > \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-22pt}
> > \addtolength{\voffset}{-0.3in}
> > \oddsidemargin 0.0in
> > \textwidth 6.3in
> > \textheight 9.0in
> let this be done by geometry, at least by LyX

Is that really needed? I try to keep the "user" interaction about
document layout as low possible so I specified this in the layout

> > \newsavebox{\oordlogo}
> > \savebox{\oordlogo}{\includegraphics[width=15mm]{logo.png}}
> > \rhead{\usebox{\oordlogo}}
> why did you put this in a box?

I don't know, I copied a sample I found somewhere and it worked. This
works also and is perhaps 'cleaner' code:

> Herbert


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