
I am trying to create my own Lyx layout for the ACM SIG proceedings style. The problem is that in that class file there exist commands that take two arguments (e.g. \conferenceinfo{bla, bla}{more bla,bla}) and other commands that contain embedded commands, such as

\alignauthor Ben Trovato\titlenote{Dr.~Trovato insisted his name be first, as he has an inordinately and inexplicably high opinion of himself.}\\
\affaddr{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}\\
\affaddr{1932 Wallamaloo Lane}\\
\affaddr{Wallamaloo, New Zealand}\\

I have tried to find some documentation on creating layouts, but did not find too much. Could anyone tell me if such documentation exists? Or could anyone tell me how can I declare such commands in my layout (if that is possible)? Thank you!


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