"Stephen Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Stephen Harris wrote:
> Supported Characters http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=324054
> "When you use UNIX, you can use any character in a file name. You
> can use special characters that are typically not valid by
> "escaping" the character (for example, by prefixing the special
> character with a backslash [\]); you cannot perform an escaping
> procedure in Windows.

This information not entirely correct and is a definite sign of people
confusing how you work with files from a program (using OS functions
like fopen()) and in the shell (writing "mv foo.txt bar.txt" for

Filenames in Unix-like filesystems can consist of arbitrary bytes with
just two exceptions:

  * The forward slash (/) since it denotes the directory hierachy.
  * The null byte 0x00.

All other bytes are allowed and treated transparently by all
filesystem functions.  Try it, create a file named foo<newline>bar
like this:

  touch "$(echo -e foo\\nbar)"

delete it again with

  rm "$(echo -e foo\\nbar)"


> The following characters are supported in UNIX file names, but are
> not supported in Windows file or folder names:
> * Slash mark (/)

Not supported in Unix either.  See the "Reserved Chars" column in the
table at the bottom of this page:


> Micha: "everything works just fine under linux, spaces and all."
> SH: So if in Linux if one can use ~/My\ Bst\ Files/research.bst to
> escape spaces, then how does one escape spaces in Windows?

You cannot "escape a space" under Unix, there is simply no such
concept on the filesystem level.  In the *shell* there is naturally
such a concept since it breaks on (white-)spaces, but that is
something different and other programs should not deal with the

> [...] The default for custom bst files is C:\localtexmf\bibtex\bst

No, that is only for custom files which you want every other LaTeX
project to use -- for a file which is custom-build to just a single
document I will consider the directory with the document as the

I guess that is where our differences lie -- you consider the
C:\localtexmf directoy the only proper place for custom files, and
indeed it would be good if everybody would just place their things
there.  But being able to have an entire document in one folder
(placed wherever, even in paths with spaces) is also valuable.

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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