On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school
letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect. Having
looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me my
best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I need, in
three ways. I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to other
classes, if komascript is not the best choice).


  Letters are about the only writing I do with OO.o; everything else is on
LyX. I, too, would like a business letter template (full block mode) with my
logo/letterhead on the first page and the recipient's name, the date, and
current page number on subsequent pages.

1. (This is the only major issue.)  Our letterhead includes logos on both
the left side of the paper and along the top. Dealing with the top is not a
problem, but for the life of me I cannot find a way in komascript to make
the left margin two inches on the first page (which will be letterhead) and
one inch on every other page (plain bond).

  Two minipages? The left for the sidebar and the right for text?

2. (Minor annoyance.) Komascript right justifies the date; I would like to
left justify it. (I leave the other elements of that line, such as
location, blank.)

3. (Minor annoyance.) I would like to shrink the vertical distance between the end of the recipient's address and the date line.

  These two should be adjustable in the preamble code of the template.

  I wonder if something like the invoice template in SQL-Ledger might be a
good starting point? I added my logo to that and it's used to print invoices
from the A/R module of the software.

  If I had time to spend on this I'd like to dig in to the komascript letter
code and see about modifying it. My experience with the OMR form (thanks to
Herbert's patient guidance) has been valuable. Unfortunately, until I get my
fuzzy system model completely re-written I have no spare time.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |   Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517         Fax: 503-667-8863

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