John Pye writes:
> Sven Schreiber wrote:
> >If other users are also concerned about the copy&paste-situation,
> > please make your opinion visible on this list as well. (in a
> > friendly way, of course)
> This has been an issue for me too.

For me, too, but I've said nothing as I assumed that this had already 
been fixed in 1.4.

Perhaps I should mention my other pet peeve (in the hope that it has 
been fixed in 1.4): the search command that is not smart enough to 
start at the beginning when at the bottom of the file. It doesn't have 
to happen automatically, but even kdvi pops up a small menu with the 
question and default "yes" answer: "Reached bottom of file, shall I 
continue from beginning?"

(And I'd love to have:

1. regexes within the LyX search function 
2. search/replace that will also handle ERTs
3. or at least a search/replace wild card option:  "find "Joh*son"  (for 

But, I will wait until I upgrade to 1.4 (or at least 1.3.7) before 
offering any other suggestions (and will then post them to the bugzilla 
as well).


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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