Hi there! I was messing around after looking at this tutorial 
(http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/XY-pic) on how to get XY pic to work on LyX
and I got some limited tree support with xytree and TIPA working!

Here's what you do. Install xytree and tipa packages. Then try some
example things like this:

\xymatrix{& \xynode[-1,1]{S} \\ \xynode[0]{NP} & & \xytrinode{VP} \\
\xyterminal{It} & & \xyterminal{is raining} }

\xymatrix{ \text{\textipa{ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRS} } }

The first will display a tree the second will display some text with
TIPA right before your very eyes. Read more on the xytree package
about how to make other trees and stuff. Just remember to replace
xytree with xymatrix. I heard that this support was going out in LyX
1.4, but this makes me very sad. Since it's so easy to add the support
for trees and TIPA like this, why not add it for real in the next
release? I'm sure it would make many linguists very happy.

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