----- Original Message ----- From: "Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: lyx compatibility to MsWord etc

On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 08:50:45AM -0800, Tom Tom wrote:
I have read something about lyx->latex->rtf->doc .
This sounds not really promising, I guess all the
layout will be lost?!

Any ideas / experience with something like that?

Yes. It basically does not work properly.

However, as your professors aren't supposed to mess around with
your thesis, producing a .pdf should be completely sufficient.


Adobe Acrobat Pro has the best pdf commenting tools available.
It is expensive, but you can input your standard .pdf thesis
file (exported or View/save) from LyX. You could also open that
file on somebody elses Pro and enable commenting. You can
use yellow notes, arrows, highlighting and more. You can save
the commenting enabled pdf file on cd or email it. There is also
ftp software to connect to computers and do large file transfers.
This feature was a main selling point of Pro 7. I dual boot and
if I new of a Open Source tool as good, I would recommend it.

Tech writers moved away from Word because it has/had a
horrible Master Document ineptitude. I've read a few dozen complaints about people using Word and losing their thesis if they dont know to take extreme backup precautions. Maybe Word2003 is better but I haven't heard that. The other program that does well with equations, but is costly, and has a learning curve is FrameMaker. Find somebody who owns Pro. There is no software to install and the commenting is quite intuitive. Maybe you could write sections in Word if they won't do
Pro edits, which also does conversion between Word and .pdf.
Maybe there is a Pro educational version without limitations.

Currently I think tex4ht will convert latex to html. Then the
html can be imported by Word. This doesn't work great.


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