Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> Did anyone find out how to make it so glosses go under the nodes on
> the tree - usually with the // command? 

I think you have to fool mathed. The following hack works for me (the 
mathematicians might come up with a better solution):

In preamble:

(the LaTeX commands \linebreak and \newline do not work)

And then:
\Tree[.S [.N This\breakline Das ] [.V is\breakline ist ] [.NP [.Det 
a\breakline ein ] [.N test\breakline Versuch ] ] ]

> Also, is there a way to make 
> it automatically preview all of the images once you open a document
> other than clicking on the formula a bunch of times?

It works for me automatically, albeit I have to wait a bit sometimes until the 
images are converted.


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