> > No, I have about 1000 of this ---comment---, and I
> > need a global setting.
> I think it is not possible to redefine --- without
> changing the font metrics.
> Instead, you will have to define your own emdash
> character that does not allow 
> a linebreak. Something like
> Then you could do
> \newcommand\mycomment[1]{\myem#1\myem}
> and wrap all you comments in \mycomment{this is a
> comment}
> If you do not need, say, underline, in your
> document, you could furthermore 
> redefine underline as 
> \renewcommand\underbar{\mycomment}
> and just underline all you comments in LyX.
> Or do it with colors as described here:
> However, if this is really such a common task in
> Spanish documents, posting a 
> question to the Spanish TeX newsgroup
> (es.comp.lenguajes.tex) might help 
> further.
> HTH,
> Jürgen
Thanks Jürgen, I posted the problem to
es.comp.lenguajes.tex and I get a solution
but this work in Kile and not work in Lyx.
Is not global but simple.
A person in that list say that
after put \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
in preamble  I must put a tilde (~) 
prev to em dash ~---like this---
In lyx this not work. Tilde is print without
any change but, before I re-quest to this
person I check it with Kile and this work very
well, tilde is not print and hyphenation is
made correctly.
How I can get it in Lyx?
But I think that a global setting must be
exist. (I never see a broken line like this
Or like this (
this is a comment).
I think that same behavior of latex with <)>
and <---> must be exist.
How I can get it?
Remember that I not want avoid hyphenation
in entire comments. I only need that hyphenation
not cut em dash from joint word.

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