Am Wed, 22. March 2006 02:49 schrieb Ride_Ride_Ride:
> Hi everyone
> Recently, I joined this Lyx ML.
> Why this ML doesn't use a title, intuitively recognized as Lyx ML mail.
> Such as, [Lyx users ML: 000001],,,
> I receive many mails, almost drowning. I need easy title to recognize
> that this mail belongs to Lyx ML.
> Takashi Shiihara from Japan.

You are using Thunderbird [1] so it might be a good idea to add a filter for 
this list. (And maybe also for other lists you are subscribed to)

It will need some further configuration of thunderbird. But I will bet if you 
use filtering of incomming emails to folders for only a short time you will 
never want to miss this. And may be you will also find it funny when you see 
such questions like yours then.

So please do yourself a faivour and configure and use filters for your 
subscribed mailing lists (and for your fellows, sweethearts, whatsoever :)

For this:
- add a new local folder to your list of folders
  right click on 'local folders' and choose 'new folder'
  give it a usefull name, e.g. 'LyX'
- add a filter rule 
 · from the thunderbird menu choose 'Extras' -> 'Filters'
 · at the top there is an entry 'filter for...' 
   right of this you will see a drop down button
 · click this button and select the mail account for which you want to add a
    It should be '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' if you prefer to work with
    imap mail folders. 
    If you prefer using to download your email via a pop account it should be
    'local folders'
 · now select the 'New...' button at the right of the window
 · give a 'Filter Name' to this new filter, e.g. 'lyx-users'
 · push the drop down button which shows 'subject' and select 'customize' (it 
   is the last entry at the bottom of the list)
 · now fill in 'List-Post' and click the OK button [2]
 ·  you are back at the 'edit filter' window
 · select the drop down button 'subject' again and choose 'List-Post'
 · the drop down list right of 'List-Post' should show 'contains' (the first
   entry at the top of the drop down list) If not select it.
 · Fill in '' in the input box at the right.
 · now choose an action to tell the filter what to do if a mail with the
   header 'List-Post' and ''  comes in.
   Choose 'move ... to' (... should be mail or news, according to the english
   translation, sorry my thunderbird speaks german ;-)
 · right of this choose the button to place where to put the mail in.
   Choose 'LyX', this is the name of the folder we added at the first
 · click the 'OK' button
 · you are back to the 'Filter' window
 · click on the bottom right button 'jetzt ausfuehren' in german, in english
   it should be a term saying 'make use of the filter now'
From now on all emails from lyx-users list shoud immediately go to your local 
folder 'LyX'.

You will find some more input including screenshots on how to use filters:

BTW. Using filters and sorting emails to certain folders or virtual folders 
(e.g. by evolution) is the one and only state of the art to handle a huge 
ammount of lists and postings.

Adding pseudo subjects like [Lyx users ML: 000001] as you mentioned is a bad 
habbit which shows that the subscribers and often also the adminstrators of a 
mailing list are on a not high skill level (quite close to poor). 
And sooner or later it will drive you round the bend. ;-).

It is a bit like a companies post office wich tags all incomming (snail) mail 
with post-it lables and then having all this (may be thousands) mails in a 
single carton box. 

No one would do so, not if he or she is not close to brain dead :-))

It's state of the art since the early beginning of mail communication to sort 
mail in folders. And everyone knows this, but by using email a lot of people 
seem to forget such fundametal attainments. 
Funny, isn't it. ;-)


[1] So says one of the headers of your email:
    User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)
[2] What we've done so far is adding a new email header as a filter criteria.
    The lyx-user email list uses 'List-Post'. List-Post is one header which is
    sent by the lyx mail server. It says:
    'List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
    You will see all the headers by choosing 'View' -> 'Headers' -> 'All' from
    the thunderbird menu.
    The header 'List-Post' is not used by all mailing list servers but it is
    one of the most used one. If you have a closer look to the header fields
    you should always find a header which contains the term 'list'. So at
    least if the list manager knows how to do the job. E.G. 'X-Mailing-List'
    is another common used mailing list header.

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