Hello Wolfgang,

On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I have some difficulties with my references. I use a Jabref created data bank 
> lit.bib and have coded it as iso-8859-1. If a reference contains e.g. á (´a), 
> it is not properly shown in lyx as well as in the pdf output. Kimmo Elo 
> suggested, that apparently the coding of my lyx is different (utf8). But I 
> don´t know how to find out.

To guess the encoding of something (by the very nature of an
encoding this is heuristics), the command "file" (that uses
libmagic by Rullgard/Zoulas) is often used. 
So run "file lit.bib" and "file yourfile.lyx" to see if the 
encoding is the same in both files and if it is the same as in your 
locale. To change the encoding, use "recode" or "iconv" (warning: 
at least recode acts in-place, so perhaps make a backup first).

Hope that helps, 

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

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