Eric Zollars wrote:
I discovered that the problem is that the DVI is not displaying the rotated caption correctly. This is Yap 2.4.1803 on Windows.

pdflatex displays the rotated caption correctly (and the figure once I convert it to pdf).

So the problem appears to be DVI. (I already had this problem with a multipage landscape table, which is why I checked.)

Is this a known problem?


Circumstantially, yes. I doubt that it is worth the effort
to install Cygwin to get xdvi, although xdvi is a better
viewer. The command "dvips filename" produces a .ps file
which gsview (better than the Cygwin gv counterpart) can view.
You probably have gsview installed as your Postscript viewer.


The LaTeX caption package

"Note that the TrueTeX Previewer provided with SWP and SW doesn't support rotation; you must use a different DVI previewer and print driver if you want to use the caption package to create rotated
captions in a DVI file.

However, PDF viewers do support rotation, so you can use the
packages to create rotated captions in typeset PDF files."



* The eps graphics are not included in the dvi file. Since the eps files
must be present when the dvi file is converted to ps, the eps files must
accompany dvi files whenever they are moved.

* The eps graphics do not appear in most dvi viewers. To help the user
with placement of the graphics, dvi viewers generally display the
BoundingBox in which the graphics will be inserted. (Some viewers, such
as xdvi, use ghostscript to interpret the eps graphics and display them
in the dvi viewer.)


dvipdfm will work if the image files are _only_ eps.
There is also a package to make a boundingBox if it is missing.


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