I am actually inputting VB code.   So I grabbed your
external template and updated it for .bas code.

The highlight program is converting to .tex and, in
the process, inserting "\dq{}" commands here and
there.   I don't know what these are, but they are not
very muched liked by .lyx.   If I remove them and then
use \input{file.tex} in ERT I don't have a problem.

So, whatever these dq commands are are not being
understood by .lyx.    I have to get out the LaTeX
book, I guess.



--- Gunnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > It is functional now.
> Great!
> > It does appear, however, that sometimes the
> > highlighter generates .tex with very long lines
> that
> > are not recognized upon inclusion in the .lyx
> file.
> >  I can workaround for now.    
> Exactly, what is the problem? The long lines are not
> truncated in LyX?
> Try add a -W or -V switch.

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