Jean-Pierre Chretien schrieb:

Can you take a look at this thread. I had another experience with
lyx configure waiting for pgf for a long time

This might be a problem of proTeXt or more probably a problem of the download server used to download PGF.

There is one thing I didn't mention:
further configurations worked OK (needed by the extra classes and layouts 
but I when I tried to load examples of one of these classes, the layout was not 
in spite of the fact that there was a "yes" on the lines both of the class and 
the layout.

I had to reconfigure once more from lyx to make it work.

Of course you have.

This looks like the user conf files took precedence on the system conf files.
Correct ?


In that case, it should be written somewhere that a configure from lyx is 
after a configure from Resources.

I thaught this is told in the userguide.

regards Uwe

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