Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:

>     On the other hand, the original problem remains: Why would
>             1. starting w/ an .eps image;
>             2. converting the .eps to .pdf using "convert";
>             3. inserting the .pdf into LyX; then
>             4. exporting the whole document w/ pdflatex
> show (some) degradation, but
>             1. starting w/ .eps (actually XFig), as sharp as any .eps;
>             2. inserting the XFig figure into LyX, using Insert->External
> Material->XFig;
>             3. exporting document w/ pdflatex
> show (lots of unacceptable) image degradation?

It should not.

>     I'd post a minimal example, but the graphics files I'm working w/ are
>     on
> the order of 5MB. I may be able to make up something simpler in a few
> days.

That would be great. In theory your method is the best one and should not
loose any details of the image, because the Xfig external template has a
specialization for pdflatex that produces pdf instead of eps directly from
the xfig file. That is one conversion step less than converting the eps
file to pdf, is completely automatic and faster.
If you can't reduce the image file and if it is not confidential you can
also send it to me privately, and I'll have a look at the problem.


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