Suppose I have a paper written with LyX/Mac which has a BibTeX generated bibliography. When i submit this paper to a journal, I upload the exported TeX file, separate eps files for the figures, etc. But the journal says:

"Authors are also advised not to upload their .bib and .bbl file to the system. We would suggest that you remove the .bib file (if there is any) and instead include all your bib items in the main tex file. To generate the bibliography from the database, please run bibtex on your source tex file. This will generate a file with .bbl extension. The content of this file is similar to the data when we are creating bibliography inside the tex file. You can cut and paste the content of the .bbl file inside your tex file so you won't have any problem with cross-referencing when you typeset your tex file."

I used BibDesk to create the bib file. Can I use BibDesk to make a bbl file from the bib file? And once I have the bbl file, can I include that bbl file directly into my LyX document? Otherwise, if I have to paste the bbl file into the exported TeX file, then my LyX file and TeX file will no longer correspond.


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