On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:57:10 -0700
"Michael Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi, MS Office is installed in all public libraries. However I would
> like to edit my lyx files in library computer. At home I installed lyx
> 1.4.2 from scratch to my U-disk, hoping that I can use it on other
> machine. Amazingly I can see my lyx files on other computers too.
> However (1) I can not produce DVI file. (2) Instant preview of some
> math fonts is missing, such as \eta
> Live CD on Wiki page would reboot a computer into linux system and
> then use Lyx. One can not do this on a public machine though. I think
> it is meaningful to produce a portable Lyx, which can be used with
> U-disk, CD or DVD. Any suggestions?

Running your own software may or may not be in violation of the user
agreement for the public access computers in some libraries - it's worth

Because of this, it might be worth lobbying libraries to install LyX
and its optional dependencies, pointing out its superiority to MS Word
for certain tasks. Admittedly though, the average library is probably
not going to see many library users use LyX, except in special cases
like where the library is frequented by clued-up academics.

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