
I tried that with no success. When starting LyX.exe without the lyx.bat, the figure works every time though.

How do I display the shell windows that shows the debug messages? So I can see if there are any.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Postscript preview

LB wrote:
I think I'm getting somewhere with this. It turns out that when I start lyx by using lyx.bat file from bin directory I get the problem with the figure. However if I run lyx.exe the problem disappears.

This is what my lyx.bat looks like:
@echo off
SET AIK_DATA_DIR=C:\LyX\LyX1.4.2\aiksaurus
start "LyX" "C:\LyX\LyX1.4.2\bin\lyx.exe" %*

When I comment out line "SET AIK_DATA_DIR=C:\LyX\LyX1.4.2\aiksaurus" the figure gets displayed fine.
Why is this line causing the problem?

It shouldn't be (and on my system it doesn't). I have the same directory and the same batch file (give or take the exact path to the LyX directories), and when I load your test document the image previews just fine. Aiksaurus is the thesaurus program used by LyX 1.4.2 (and new to this version), and on my system the aiksaurus folder contains two data files and nothing else. Given their names (meanings.dat, words.dat), I'm hard-pressed to believe that ImageMagick would be mistaking them for some sort of input to the graphic conversion process.

One possibility comes to mind, but it's a real long-shot. Windows has some overall character limit for the environment. Back in the days of Win 3.x, this was a royal PITA, although there were ways to tweak it. I haven't had to mess with it in years, so my impression is that XP and 2K have gobs of environment space. However, if you have enough environment variables set (and a long enough command path), maybe possibly conceivably you're pushing the character limit. If you're maxed out, maybe the line you're commenting out ate up so enough space that the command line for converting your image ran out of room. (For this to make sense, given your ability to display other images, I suspect this particular image would need to have a longer than usual name+path.)

Off-hand, the easiest way I can see to test this theory is as follows: Revert to the original batch file (i.e., don't comment out the aiksaurus line). Open a command shell and type 'set' to see all the environment variables. Pick a few that don't have anything to do with LyX or ImageMagick and get rid of them (by executing 'set <variablename>=' with nothing to the right of the equal sign). Then run lyx.bat, load your document and see if the image displays.

To repeat myself, this is a bit of a grope in the dark.


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