Am Montag, 31. Juli 2006 08:24 schrieb Christopher Winkler:


my system: ubuntu dapper, i386

.. ,thank you for your help, but nothing helped...

I thought the best thing was to try to compile it myself.
What a nightmare!

After googling for hours (with a 56k modem!) and resolving most of the 
missing dependencies, I ended up with this after compiling:
./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3 
** moc binary not found !

** uic binary not found !

** qt library not found !

Where, please, are the qt libraries, what on earth is uic and what 
doesn't he recognise my moc binary although I have installed the 
ARGG! Never been through this before ...

Thanks a lot in advance ...


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