From: Ingo Klöcker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 23:11:10 +0200

On Friday 04 August 2006 21:14, Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
>    I'm not trying to side-track this discussion, but there's a bit of
> an issue I've had with XFig itself (before I incorporate its figures
> into LyX, which works fabulously). I can start XFig so that all NEW
> text has the "special" flag and LaTeX fonts. However, if I want to
> edit a file in XFig which has been created elsewhere (I often produce
> plots in .eps format in, say, Mathematica, then use pstoedit to turn
> it into XFig format), the fonts, of course, don't have these special
> flags. I have written a Mathematica program to correctly set these
> flags in the XFig files, but one has to have Mathematica!. So my
> question is:
>      Is there a simple program to set these things (special flag,
> LaTeX fonts, perhaps some nice feature like
> scale-fonts-to-60%-of-original-size)? Is there some switch in
> pstoedit that I'm missing? Or is there a simple regex way from bash?
> I'll eventually get another way figured out; it's not a pressing
> concern.

The XFig format is a pretty simple text format. I've once written a
small script (in Perl I think) which scales an image without changing
the font size. (XFig does also change the font size when one scales an
image.) It shouldn't be hard to write a script which does what you
want. I've attached my script to give you a starting point.


Thank you much, Ingo. That's exactly the sort of thing my program did, but this will probably be considerably easier (command line!). Great!


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