Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> TechTonics wrote:
>> 2) Jürgen indicates this was a Miktex package problem.
> At least the error does not occur with my version (2003/05/08 v4.0.1).
I am using the absolute latest lyx 1.4.2 and miktex after a complete and
clean reinstall with the standard lyx 1.4.2 installer for windows. It
did not work after this install, so I updated the Miktex with the miktex
package updater on 14.august.2006. The g-brief-de still did not work.

By the way, my g-brief has the same version (4.0.1) at least according
to the releasenotes and dates of the files. why does this Marvosym
\Telefon bugfix in g-brief-de not work for me anymore? Maybe soemthing
new in MikTex or Latex prevents the overriding of the Marvosym \Telefon
definition by g-Brief?

>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> (no English translation) g-brief.dvi : 8 Einschrankungen und Bugs
>> "Bei Verswendüng des g-briefs zusammen mit dem Paket marvosym.sty
>> von Martin Vogel (martin\period\vogel\at\fh-bochem.de) wird die
>> Definition des Symbols \Telefon im Paket marvosym.sty aufgehboben,
>> da g-brief Definition zur Angabe Ihrer Telefonnummer verwendet."
>> ------------------------------------------------------
> Translation:
> "8 Restrictions and bugs
> If you use g-brief together with Martin Vogel's marvosym.sty [Address 
> ommitted], marvosym's definition of the symbol \Telefon will be overridden, 
> since g-brief needs this macro for you telephone number."
> Jürgen

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