Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb am 07.09.2006:

I am using jabref for entering references in my lyx file.
Some of the author entrances in the bib-file are embraced by {author} and listed separately from the non-embraced author entrances, which I do not want. example: author1 author3 author4
what I want:
author1 {author2} author3 author4

Do you mean in JabRef or in the bibliography of the output file (PDF/PS/DVI)?

I would like to either have the embraced entrances treated equally to the unembraced ones or to remove in an easy way all the {} -signes. Can this be done in JabRef? I did not find an answer in the JabRef 1.8.1 Handbook of Wassenhoven.

Have you searched the forums on sourceforge.net/projects/jabref ?


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