
I did it with the nomencl package. To add an entry I inserted an ERT

\nomenclature{bla}{short form for blablablabla}

Finally, put an ERT


where you want to have the list.

To generate my doc including the nomenclature, I failed to convince LyX to do that for me. I wrote a script:

lyx --export latex thesis.lyx
latex thesis
bibtex thesis
makeindex thesis.idx
makeindex thesis.nlo -s -o thesis.nls
latex thesis
latex thesis
dvipdf thesis.dvi

In this case, the essential line is the makeindex with the and so on ...

Well, I have to confess, it could be easier.... but it works when I do it like this.



On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 17:46:56 +0200, Francesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi I'm trying to use Lyx to write an article and I need to introduce/define some acronyms. How am I supposed to do it? Do I need to write latex code within the text? Isn't there a simpler way? Unfortunately I didn't find anything in the
manual. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards

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