Russell Davie wrote:

>> > 3) How can LyX be made to use latex2rtf to convert to rtf?
>> Go to tools-Preferences and add a new format rtf and a converter
>> latex->rtf. This is described in the extended manual IIRC.
> yes, a bit, but not as clearly as you have put it.
>> Or put this into your
>> ~/.lyx/preferences:
>> \format rtf rtf "Rich Text Format" "" "" ""
>> \converter latex rtf "latex2rtf -o $$o $$i" ""
> Ok this worked, well at least it generated a rtf file that looked ok, but
> lacked bibliography.
> the latex2rtf output showed it was looking for files generated by latex
> and bibtex
> assignment1.tex:53 No .aux file.  Run LaTeX to create assignment1.aux
> ..
> ..
> assignment1.tex:219 Cannot open <assignment1.bbl>
> assignment1.tex:219 Cannot open bibliography file.  Create
> assignment1.bbl using BibTeX
> It seems latex and bibtex need to be run on the .tex to get bibliography
> correct before running latex4rtf. eg: latex foo.tex; bibtex foo; latex
> foo.tex; latex foo.tex; latex2rtf foo.tex


>> You might need to tweak the commandline flags.
> do you mean "latex" and perhaps "bibtex"?

No. I mean the flags for latex2rtf. I just learned that you might want to
use latex2etf -p -S.

> Using these commands in Converter "latex $$i; bibtex $$i; latex $$i;
> latex2rtf -o  $$o $$i" fell over when bibtex couldn't find
> assignment1.tex.aux. Bibtex looks needs a input with out the .tex, so this
> is puzzling on how to do this.
> suggestions please!

Don't call latex yourself, use the needaux flag in the extra flags field.
Unfortunately there is no real solution for the bibtex problem, but as a
workaround you can run view->update postscript just before exporting. Then
the bibtex files will be generated. In the long term we should introduce a
needbbl flag for the converters.

>> And I am wondering why we
>> don't serach for latex2rtf by default.
> so am I!

I will add it if you can confirm that the converter entry

\converter latex rtf "latex2rtf -p -S -o $$o $$i" "needaux"

works for you.


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