
 I'm running LyX 1.4.3-2~edgy1 under kubuntu, and I have an strange
error that I don't remember to suffer in previous LyX versions (it's
been 1 year since last time I used LyX).

 I'm writing a document (book) and I need to include shell (bash)
source code embebed. I'm using the LyX-Code environment and pasting
the source code as lines.

 The problem is that I can't paste "-" characters. I mean, I paste
under LyX-Code the following source code:

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
exec softlimit -m 3000000 \

 Then I select View -> DVI and I get the following error in each
of the - (minus) signs of the above code:

Bad character code (-1)

A character number must be between 0 and 255.
I changed this one to zero.

 (The same error for each of the "-" signs in my code).

 If I remember correctly, I've used "-" signs in my source code
into the "Lyx-Code" environment for years and I never got this
message ...

 Any idea of what I'm doing wrong? :?

Santiago Romero

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