John Hughes wrote:
As far as I can tell, everything is up to date now. I have discovered that I can include EPS graphics if I export the document to PostScript, then view the PS file in GSview and export it to PDF from there. But still no luck simply exporting the document straight from LyX to PDF using pdflatex (or either of the other options).

I believe that PostScript output embeds EPS files directly, whereas PDF output requires conversion from EPS to PDF. I suspect that conversion is failing. Here are a few things to check:

1. Make sure that ImageMagick is either on your system command path or in LyX's path prefix (Tools->Preferences...->Paths->PATH prefix). I've got it both places on my system, but I think either one is sufficient.

2. Open a command prompt where your EPS image lives and run 'convert myfile.eps myfile.pdf' (changing the file name, of course). If IM is not on your command path, you'll need to change 'convert' to '<path to IM>\convert'. Make sure this produces a PDF file containing your image.

3. Try to View->PDF (pdflatex) a document containing an EPS image. While LyX is still open, use Windows Explorer to look into the temp directory. Tools->Preferences...->Paths->Temp directory will get you to the parent of the buffer directory; from there, you'll need to drill down a level or so. You should find a copy of your EPS file along with a converted PDF version of it. If either or both is missing, the conversion script may be having a problem with the path to the source file.


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