Step by step:

I visited the address you gave me in your previous mail:

I chose the file named LyXWin144Complete-2-11.exe <> and downloaded it (also tried with LyXWin144Small-2-11.exe <>, it gave the same result). When I click on the download link, I get a message a little bit strange saying I chose to open a file of BibTex style...

I double clicked on the file and I obtained the strange message I reported, then I tried again with the "small" version and got the same.

Finally I went on the lyx wiki and downloaded + installed the last win installer present there (lyx-144-2). I had the lyx-144-1 version installed on my computer before.

Today after reading your mail, I tried again the whole thing: downloaded LyXWin144Complete-2-11.exe <> and then installed it without any trouble. By the way I updated my Miktex at the end of the installation.

It seems that my problem was due to the "old" lyx version I had on my computer yesterday. To complete the answer, my OS is windows XP media center edition.

I observe quite many changes after installation of this last release 144-2-11:
- I now have a dos window opening when I run lyx
- my lyx is at last in french (before, I asked french during installation but it came in english...) - no error occurs when clicking on the bibtex button and the styles appeared in the bibtex options (where before no styles were available, I had to give the full path each time)

Still, the output I observe in my bibliography has not changed, no matter which style I choose. I always have the fulle information including the keywords, the abstract and so on like reported before. Is there something special to do to choose a style, apart that the selection by the menu that appears when clicking on the bibtex button?

Uwe, thank you very very much for all this help!!!!!


Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
Sophie Vandenbussche schrieb:
When I try to install this new release, I get an error message which I don't understand at all. The message is in french, I try to translate it:

sub-system MS-DOS 16 bits
(... = filename)
The processor NTVDM has met an unauthorized instruction.
Cs:0f51 IP:01c4 OP:63 65 20 4d 65 Choose 'close' to end the application

This is indeed a strange message. Could you give a precise recipe what you did, step by step to reproduce the problem?
What Win system do you use?

regareds Uwe

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