Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:

I just starting writing a paper. I embed a vector graphic in PDF format. When exporting (or viewing) it via pdflatex, I get a pixel graphic in the output file. I did not experience this in older versions. Maybe something has been changed, or maybe I overlooked something, or maybe it is a bug. Could just someone please check?

Thanks and cheers



I don't know if this relates to your problem, but not too long ago someone else on the list was trying to embed a vector graphic and getting a rather low-resolution bitmap instead. It turns out the plotting program he used to generate the graphic (can't remember which one) was also creating a bitmapped "preview" image and sticking it in the image file, and that was what showed up in the final output. The solution was for him to change a setting in the plotter program to eliminate the preview image and regenerate the graphic.


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