Micha Feigin wrote:
I'm trying to set a colored background for some definitions in my document
(course notes and I want to get the effect of using a marker to highlight some

using the package xcolor and the \colorbox{gray!30}{text} inside the definition
mostly achieves the desired effect, although it fails if I have nested

definition: \colorbox{gray}{
blah balh
1. text
2. text
\end enumerate
\end definition

throws errors (this is not the actual latex ...) it says, something wrong,
perhaps missing \item

I think the problem is that a colorbox is the wrong kind of box (does not allow enumerations inside) (maybe).

Is there a good way to achieve this?

You can nest a minipage or parbox inside the colorbox, but unless you want the color to extend to the margin, you'll need to fiddle with the width of the minipage manually. I've attached a small example.

There may be better ways to do this.  (I'm no TeXpert.)


Attachment: newfile1.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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