Tim Holy writes:

> Hello,
> At least in the biological sciences, most journals can't accept LaTeX, and so 
> it's important for us to be able to export to RTF format for final submission 
> of papers. In LyX 1.5.0beta3 (and also in the 1.4 series), exporting to RTF 
> works well with a notable exception: super- and subscripts in text. The 
> reason for this is that these text superscripts are handled as $^\text{some 
> text}$, and latex2rtf doesn't recognize the \text command. Consequently, the 
> super and subscripts simply get omitted, which is a problem especially in 
> papers that are heavy on chemical formulas...

Notice that OpenOffice is at fault here and not latex2rtf.
By default, latex2rtf uses EQ field codes for translating math constructs
(see http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/word/HP051861481033.aspx)
but OpenOffice is not able to interpret them.

> An example document is attached. Under LyX 1.5.0beta3, one simply needs to 
> export as Rich Text Format and then open the file with OpenOffice to see what 
> I'm talking about.

Your example works perfectly when I open the produced rtf in Word.
Maybe you could file an enhancement request to the OO people.


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