Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,

I'm going to write an introductory algebra book to make algebra easy for people with mental blocks. This will NOT be a traditional textbook. In my personal opinion, the purpose of traditional textbooks is to make the subject seem so complex as to require an expensive class with an instructor (yes, I am somewhat cynical). I'm going to distill algebra down to its simplest components.

Following the suggestions of many of you, I'll be using the AMS Math Book document class. This document class has numerous environments whose names are taken from math:

Right address      theorum           corollary
lemma              proposition       conjecture
criterion algorithm fact axiom definition example
condition          problem           exercise
remark             claim             note
notation           summary           acknowledgement
case               conclusion        proof

I looked up a lot of them on, and doubt I'll be using too many things like lemmas, corrolaries, and the like.
Of course, you can remove these, or any that you know you won't be using. Most of them are in
I bet a lot of you have written math books. Which of these do you use most often? In math, what do the following mean?

If you're doing a proof that has multiple cases. Maybe, say, for convex or concave figures.
I've not used that.
In the course of giving a proof, one often says something like: I now claim that p. Proof: Blah blah.
Similar to definition, but specifically for introducing notation. Not likely you'll need this.
I believe this is for AMS article indexing. You shouldn't need that, either.
I use the "therefore symbol" (Three dots with two on the bottom and one on top) a lot. How do I do that in LyX or LaTeX?
/therefore, which needs the amssymb package, but you'll already have that if you're using amsbook.cls. Get this:
How do I do something like this:

4x + 2x + 5x + 3 +4 = 6x + 5x + 3 + 4
                    = 6x + 5x + 7
                    = 11x + 7

In other words, the equal signs are vertically aligned. How do I do that?
Use the align environment. It's basically an array with two columns.
How do I find out more about the mechanics of writing a math book?


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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