John Kane wrote:
--- Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lars Olesen wrote:
I have written my thesis in Lyx on Windows, and I
have no problem
exporting to pdf. However, I have trouble
converting to other stuffÆ
+ when I want to export to plain text, it does not
include the bibliography
+ I cannot convert to either OpenOffice or HTML
(it does something and
finishes without error message, but the files are
nowhere to be found
What LyX version are you using? HTML and ODT export
work better in 1.5.x.

Look for the files in LyX's temporary directory.
They may be there.

I have never gotten LyX's export to ODT to work (as
far as I can tell. Any suggestions on how to find
LyX's temporary directory under Windows XP?
I'm not on Windows, but someone will know. It's probably under C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\... somewhere.
I get excellent quality export of HTML and LaTeX to
the same directory that the original file comes from
but I have not been able to find an odt file or a LyX
temporay directory.
Well, at least the HTML works. You can try running the relevant htlatex command---see Preferences>Converters---manually, and see what happens.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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