On 9/3/07, Daniel Lohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Helmut,
> In fact relative paths work very well - only the file selection dialog does
> not return them. Just enter the relative path to the figure by hand or
> change it after using the file selection dialog.
> Daniel
> Hauser Helmut schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I use LyX on a Linux machine in my office and on a Windows machine at
> > home. Sometimes I need to work on the same document on both machines.
> > The problem is, that the path for the figures to be included is always a
> > global one (/home/...  or C:/....).
> > It would be great if I just could use a relative path and would not have
> > to change it all the time. Of course it would be great if I insert a new
> > figure LyX gives my me exactly this "./figures" directory. So this
> > relative path would be a variable of the document itself.
> >
> > Is that possible? Has anyone suggestions how to do that?
> >
> > thanks,
> > - helmut

Well, when I was working on my Thesis I just created a Pictures folder
at the same level as the document. This created a relative path
/Pictures that you are talking about. I used Windoze, Linux, and OS X
to make changes to my document and never had to worry about the


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