Something appears to be significantly broken:

Some of the example documents can't even open without reporting an error.

I'm running a Dapper-based MEPIS Linux system.  Dapper includes 1.3.7.
I have also installed the Dapper version 1.5.1, from the LyX servers
(which installed without errors).

Opening the example article docbook_article.lyx results in:

Warning: Document class not available
The layout file requested by this document,
is not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX
class or style file required by it is not
available. See the Customization documentation
for more information.
LyX will not be able to produce output.

Attempting to view (DVI) chessgame.lyx results in the following error

An empty output file was generated
followed by:
Lamda.sty not found

Some simpler files do print OK.

Does the Dapper 1.5.1 version include all the dependencies?   Or at
least does it list the dependencies so they can be installed from the Repos?



Lance W. Haverkamp
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