I have also had some problems with figure wraps. One reason for the figure to not show up is that it can be situated too close to a page break. It's not a good way but this issue can be solved by manually inserting a page break.

Hans Kunkell

Helge Hafting skrev:
Lance W. Haverkamp wrote:
on 09/04/2007 03:53 AM Helge Hafting said the following:
Lance W. Haverkamp wrote:
In both 1.3.7 & 1.5.1 I've been unable to get a Figure Float Wrap to
appear in either DVI or  a print-out.  It's visible to me--I can see
both the graphic & the text in LyX.

What you can do is:
Try making the wrapped stuff smaller. Both narrower and
shorter.  This usually helps.  Sometimes making it wider
helps too. With less text beside your wrapped stuff,
you push the next (sub)section further down and away
from the wrapped region.

Make sure that the only stuff that will get next to the
wrap is ordinary text.

OK...what am I supposed to be changing the size of?  The only things I
see are config windows called "Graphics" OR "Text Wrap Settings".
I have changed all kinds of things in both those windows and see
*absolutely no change whatsoever* in the LyX window appearance of the
float box, graphic nor text (using 1.5.1).  Is something suppose to be
changing that I can see?  The red (float?) box automatically goes full
(column?) width and I see no way to adjust that.
You don't see a change inside LyX when adjusting the width,
but is some cases you may succeed in producing a
wrapped float. I.e. you'll get something useful when
printing or doing view->dvi.

Now, perhaps the menu should read
"insert->float->text wrap float(broken)"
For this thing simply don't work well, and I don't think there
is anything we can do with that either.

Also, the text always starts at the bottom of the graphic--like
"justified to bottom".  How do I get the text to start at the top of the
graphic so it actually has something to wrap around?
You will not see the wrapping inside LyX, only in the output.
LyX is not wysiwyg, it is wysiwym.  (See the intro for an explanation.)

Helge Hafting

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