Helge Hafting wrote:
Niklas Huldén wrote:

I have a lengthy (300 p) humanistic manuscript and have enabled \usepackage[osf]mathpazo as to get oldstyle figures across the whole document. However, I also have 50+ tables and if I've understood correctly one should not use oldstylenums except in the main text body. Is there any way to exclude these table floats from the generic option. I could of course mark every number in every table float as "math mode" but that would seem to be a lengthy operation, as would indeed be replacing all numbers in the text with ERT. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, LyX doesn't have options for turning
oldstyle on/off for pieces of text - only for the whole document.
At least if you use version 1.5.
Various solutions:

1. Use ERT everywhere - but too much work.

2. Redefine the latex tabular environment so that it issues the
   "no oldstyle" command in addition to everything else it does.
   Then all tables comes out without oldstyle numbers.
   I don't know if this is feasible though.

Version 1.5 may offer a solution if you're willing to
create a custom layout file. Understanding layout files is
some work, but gives these options:

3. Make a charstyle for "not oldstyle numbers".  You can then mark
   anything and apply this style - the numbers marked will no
   longer be old-style.  Easier than converting to math, because
   you can (probably) mark whole tables instead of hunting for
   each little number. You can also use this charstyle for numbers
   in uppercase headings. (Oldstyle numbers are  lowercase,
   non-oldstyle numbers are uppercase numbers.
   So a number in uppercase text should not be oldstyle.)

4. For older versions of LyX, make a paragraph style (instead of a
   charstyle) for "standard, but not oldstyle numbers".
   Very much like alternative 3, except that it always works on
   whole paragraphs.  But a table is usually in a paragraph
   of its own anyway, so not much of a problem here.
   You can then change the paragraph type for each table.

Helge Hafting

Thank You for all the suggestions! I think I will stick with the oldstyle figures in the tables also for now. If someone complains about it (which I seriously doubt), I can return to your suggestions.

Many thanks!

Niklas H.

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