I used to try going into the file with the text editor
and changing the lyxformat tag so that the file
matched what version of LyX I was using.    That
sometimes solved the program.



--- "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unknown <unknown <at> unknown.invalid> writes:
> > 
> > Hi Lyx-Users, When I try to read the Lyx file sent
> to me by a writer
> > with whom I'm collaborating on a book, the message
> I'm getting is
> > "/tmp/song of the survivors.lyx is from an earlier
> version of Lyx, but
> > the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it". Any
> solution? I'm on Lyx
> > 1.4.3 FN
> The lyx2lyx script (which updates a LyX file to the
> latest format) usually works
> pretty well, but I think that occasionally something
> odd in the file will trip
> it up.  I suggest you look for non-Latin characters
> first.  Other than that, you
> can try divide-and-conquer. Delete roughly the
> second half from a copy of the
> document (keeping the \end_body \end_document lines
> and making sure you don't
> cut in the middle of a layout or inset).  If lyx2lyx
> manages to convert the
> resulting file, the problem is in the second half;
> if not, it's in the first
> half.  Continue bisecting until you narrow down
> where the culprit lies.
> Convincing your co-author to upgrade will minimize
> the likelihood of future
> issues.  It won't directly solve the problem of
> getting this particular document
> converted.  If your co-author upgrades, though, he
> can open the document in his
> older version and cut/paste everything into the new
> version.
> /Paul

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