I just started using lyx two week ago and I'm using a version 1.5.1.
Somehow I lost all the document class so that for every writing I created the
lyx said layout file was required and it could produce any output. Maybe it's
because I updated the MikTex?? The same problem happened before and I just
reinstalled the lyx the last time. 

A second question sounds very stupid but I have no other choices but asking. How
can I update the lyx 1.5.1 to 1.5.2? I downloaded the patch but don't know how
to do next. It says 

"This patch should be applied like this
  cd lyx-1.5.1
  make distclean
  zcat patch-1.5.2.gz | patch -p1
and then LyX can be build as usual."

but I have no idea about what this is talking about. By the way I'm using

Please help me out. Thanks very much!

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