
On 11/19/07, Sven Hoexter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> as some of you might have noticed I'm one of the guys working on the LyX
> Debian packages and ATM I try to clear our to bugtracker so that we can
> submit the valid bugs to our beloved LyX developers.
> Since I'm not getting any feedback from the submitter of a bug related
> to russian spell checking I'd like to kindly ask if we've someone here
> who speaks russian to maybe reproduce the bug.

This should be no reason of concern.

The Russian language has a specific number of words that contain the
letter "ё" (i.e. [1]). However, sometimes this is considered "old" way
of writing and in the name of simplification people use "е" instead of
"ё" [2]. This trend can be seen in books (recently republished old
texts, included) as well. The dictionaries provided by aspell seem to
use the "new" trend as well. As such, they do not contain, for
example, the "ёлка" word. Instead these contain "елка". When checking
the spelling in a document, aspell - hence LyX - will identify "ёлка"
as miss-spelled and propose "елка" instead (see attached LyX file).
The rest of the document seems to be checked as expected.

[1] http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/ёлка
[2] http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/елка

I imagine this should suit the bug report. Regards,

Attachment: newfile1.lyx
Description: Binary data

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