Manolo Martínez wrote:

I'm writing my first presentation with Beamer, and I've stumbled upon the following problem I'd like to have a quote such that the slide first presents the quote as it is and, then, when I push a key, one passage is highlighted first and, when I push again, another passage is highlighted. I cannot see any way to do this using \alert. Is there an easy way?

"Easy" is a relative term.  :-)

You can type each part of the quote twice (consecutively) in "only" environments, surround the second version of each with '\alert{' and '|' in ERT, then specify which overlays will contain the regular parts and which will contain the alerted parts. You will need separators (near the bottom of the environment drop-down list) to separate consecutive only blocks; otherwise they run together.

I've attached a small example. It's a bit more complicated than what I described above, because I wanted to center the quote, and the layout file for the Beamer class does not allow specification of horizontal alignment in 'only' environments. So I put each line of verse in a standard paragraph (Beamer doesn't seem to have a verse environment, or if it does the layout file does not support it), centered that paragraph, then nested it into the corresponding 'only' block. This has the side effect of double spacing the quote. To get centering with single spacing, you can try putting the quote directly into the 'only' block and then putting '\centering{' and '}' around it in ERT. (I didn't bother to test this.)


Attachment: newfile4.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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