Steve Litt ha scritto:
> Hi all,

Hi, Steve,

> How does one do an appendix the right way. I want it to show up, at the same 
> level as chapters, in the table of contents. But I want it to say "Appendix 
> A: SSH Example" rather than "Chapter 13: Appendix A: SSH Example".

In LyX-1.5.4 you simply click on Document | "Appendices start here",
or something - I'm using the Italian version of LyX.

It works great if your last chapters are appendices. In TOC it is
inserted an item like "A  SSH Example".

If you want to insert some extra non-appendix chapters after the
appendices, or you want TOC entries like "Appendix A  SSH Example",
then you'll need appendix.sty and:

ERT [\begin{appendices}]


ERT [\end{appendices}]

Additional Chapters (though I doubt you'll want to :-))

Best regards.

Filippo Zangheri

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