> -----Original Message-----
> From: William R. Buckley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 3:32 PM
> To: 'rgheck'
> Subject: RE: Layout and Class Files on Windows Distribution
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: rgheck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:36 AM
> > To: William R. Buckley
> > Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> > Subject: Re: Layout and Class Files on Windows Distribution
> >
> > > So, how do I install and make available the LNCS files, 
> and how do I 
> > > use them to prepare, or work with, a .layout file?
> > >  
> > This one I can say a bit about. It's likely that the LNCS 
> class file 
> > is based upon some other LaTeX class, e.g., article. You 
> can find this 
> > out by looking at the .cls file.
> > It may say early in a comment (comments begin with "%"). 
> You can also 
> > look for a \LoadClass{...} line. The loaded class is the 
> base class. 
> > So let's say it's article.
> > Then you can try just copying the
> > article.layout file to lncs.layout (say) and changing the 
> first real 
> > line, which reads:
> > # \DeclareLaTeXClas{article}
> > to:
> > # \DeclareLaTeXClas{lncs}
> >
> > I'm assuming here that the class file
> > is: lncs.cls. If not, then replace "lncs"
> > everywhere by whatever it is.
> > 
> > This may "just work". If not, you'll need to start modifying the 
> > layout file, especially if lncs provides extra styles that 
> aren't in 
> > the standard article (book, whatever) class.
> > 
> > There's more detail about this in the
> > Customization manual. Feel free to ask here. Lots of us have been 
> > through this.
> Actually, this information has improved my knowledge of LyX 
> but, it does not seem to solve my problems in using LyX with 
> the LLNCS layout.
> First, even after determining that
> 1. llncs.layout is in  .\Resources\layouts
> 2. llncs.cls is in .\Resource\tex
> 3. llncs.cls includes the statement
>  \LoadClass[twoside]{article}
> and then reconfiguring LyX, and then restarting LyX,
> 1. document class (Springer LNCS) is marked as being 
> unavailable within the Document/Settings
> 2. I appear to be no closer to understanding how to use the 
> llncs.cls and llncs.layout files.
> Have you any more suggestions?
> > > Also, I have noted that when I tried to load a .dem file 
> (the LNCS 
> > > demo file), that LyX did properly complain of the file 
> type (opening 
> > > a dialog box to announce the problem) but, it kept the 
> icon for the 
> > > mouse pointer as an hourglass, instead of converting it 
> to an arrow.
> > >  
> > > Yes, I understand that LyX wants to
> > > load .lyx files.
> > >
> > >   
> > What is a .dem file? Is it really a .tex file?
> > 
> > rh
> My point here was to highlight a interesting behavior in the 
> LyX executable.  It was thus correspondingly not point out a 
> faux pax of
> mine: trying to load a file that is not one which LyX is 
> expecting to open.
> I now do not know what is a .dem file.

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