William R. Buckley wrote:
I have need for the LNCS layout, and am having trouble using this with LyX.  You
will perhaps like to know that my prior experience with any TeX is zero.  In the
past, I have used WYSIWYG systems (Ventura Publisher is my first choice, though
I am also passingly familiar with Quark XPress and Aldus PageMaker).  Further,
while I do have some experience with UNIX administrative activities, the details
for use of LyX are not clear, to me.

I obtained the LaTeX 2E distribution from the Springer-Verlag website, and have
attempted to determine the proper location to which the various components of
the download should be directed.  That is, shall the .sty and .cls files be
placed in the ./resources/tex directory

What is less clear is the use of texhash, as it is not part of the LyX distribution.

Someone on Windows will be able to answer this sort of question.

So, how do I install and make available to me the LNCS files, and how do I use
them to prepare, or work with, a .layout file?

This one I can say a bit about. It's likely that the LNCS class file is based upon some other LaTeX class, e.g., article. You can find this out by looking at the .cls file. It may say early in a comment (comments begin with "%"). You can also look for a \LoadClass{...} line. The loaded class is the base class. So let's say it's article. Then you can try just copying the article.layout file to lncs.layout (say) and changing the first real line, which reads:
# \DeclareLaTeXClas{article}
# \DeclareLaTeXClas{lncs}
I'm assuming here that the class file is: lncs.cls. If not, then replace "lncs" everywhere by whatever it is.

This may "just work". If not, you'll need to start modifying the layout file, especially if lncs provides extra styles that aren't in the standard article (book, whatever) class.

There's more detail about this in the Customization manual. Feel free to ask here. Lots of us have been through this.

Also, I have noted that when I tried to load a .dem file (the LNCS demo file),
that LyX did properly complain of the file type (opening a dialog box to
announce the problem) but, it kept the icon for the mouse pointer as an
hourglass, instead of converting it to an arrow.  Yes, I understand that LyX
wants to load .lyx files.

What is a .dem file? Is it really a .tex file?


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